The Girl Scout Trailblazer Program is designed for Girl Scouts in grades 6 through 12 who are looking for an opportunity to engage deeply in a variety of outdoor activities.
Trailblazers develop skills in diverse hiking styles, camping, orienteering methods, outdoor preparedness, and high-adventure activities. There are no prerequisites for creating your Trailblazer troop other than an interest and willingness to complete the requirements of the pin within the first year of being part of the program.
Starting today, your troop can earn their Trailblazer Pins as well as their official status as a Trailblazer Troop! Once you read the summary, you will see that the steps required to earn the pin and status do not require any special training on the part of the troop leader or volunteer. It’s a great time to check-off these steps!
The program is intended to be run just like a troop. Girls are encouraged to participate in the full Girl Scout Program (earning badges, Product Program, Highest Awards, etc.), but all with an “outdoor” focus.
Find more information about the Trailblazer Troop program by looking at GSUSA’s Trailblazer Troop 21st Century Guidelines, and for a simplified version of these guidelines see the Trailblazer Troop Guidelines GSMW Summary.
If you are a troop leader or volunteer with a troop interested in becoming a "Trailblazer Troop" now or in the future, please complete the online interest form, and GSMW will contact to help you navigate the process and requirements of the Trailblazer Troop program