Current Edition
In this edition:
- Membership Renewal
- Summer Challenges
- Juliette Gordon Low Corner
- Girl Scout Traditions
- Juliette Happenings
Meeting in troops is one way to be part of the Girl Scout experience, but when there aren’t available troops in the area, a troop no longer meets, or a girl becomes too busy with extracurricular activities or sports, becoming a Juliette will allow her to be part of the Girl Scout experience on an individual basis.
As a Juliette, she will work on grade-level Girl Scout program with the guidance of a caregiver or another adult mentor. Think of all the possibilities!
What do Juliettes do?
There are many advantages to participating in Girl Scouts as a Juliette.
The Juliette Jam is a GSMW newsletter specifically for Juliettes. This does not replace the monthly e-newsletter that you receive from GSMW, keep reading those! New editions will come to your inbox 3 times a year: Fall (September/October), Winter (January/February), Spring (May/June)
There are now new ways for Girl Scouts of all ages to explore theirworld, whether online or unplugged!