Troop Meeting | Planning Tools | Girl Scouts of Montana and Wyoming

Utilize the following program materials to set expectations within the troop environment. 

A Girl Code of Conduct Agreement and No Bullies Troop Pledge are included in these resources. Have girls and caregivers sign and revisit them at the beginning of each Girl Scout membership year.

Forms & Documents
Forms & Documents

Search for important forms and documents for managing your troop, traveling, and more.

New Badges & Journeys
New Badges & Journeys

There are now new ways for Girl Scouts of all ages to explore their world, whether online or unplugged!


Between now and October 15, 2023, take the Girl Scout Grow Your Troop OR Build Another PLEDGE to recruit a minimum of TWO or more girls to your troop OR recruit two new volunteers to start their own troop by December 31, 2023.  

  1. If you grow your troop by recruiting two new girls OR two volunteers to start a new troop before December 31, 202 the troop will receive TWO Girl Scout outdoor blankets, perfect to keep your troop up off the ground, while getting out and exploring the great outdoors!  
  2. If you recruit at least two or more girls to your troop or volunteers to start a new troop, your entire troop (including leaders), will receive a fun Proud Girl Scout pin!  
  3. * In order to participate and qualify for any rewards for your troop, you must take the “PLEDGE” before October 15th. If you don’t end up with growth of two girls/volunteers, there is no penalty. However, in order to claim any rewards, you must officially register your pledge.*