Getting Started
New Troop Leaders - Daisy (Provided by GSUSA)

Complimentary Girl Scout Experience Boxes for new Daisy troops are here to support you every step of the way!

GSUSA is excited to announce that, starting in August 2024, new Girl Scout Daisy (K–1) troop leaders in participating councils will receive from GSUSA a monthly supply box filled with step-by-step instructions, ready-to-go supplies, and thoughtful script suggestions. 


New Troop Leaders - Other Levels (Provided by GSMW)

Girl Scouts of Montana and Wyoming is excited to announce a benefit to new Girl Scout troop leaders. Our Troop Welcome Box and Meeting in a Minute box will provide troop leaders with step-by-step instructions and supplies to lead with confidence, help their girls grow, and have the best year ever!

Each box contains all the primary supplies you need to conduct a successful troop meeting:  

  • Creative, fun, and age-appropriate activities  
  • Detailed instructions  
  • Activity supplies*  
  • And snacks!  

*Basic supplies may be required. 

Complimentary new troop support boxes are here to help get your troop started!