You can apply this year for trips in the current year or the following year! That gives you time to set goals, participate in money-earning activities, and apply for scholarships. Destinations are available for girls ages 11 to 18.
- Visit Girl Scouts USA’s Destinations site to see all the amazing Destinations trip options.
- Complete the online application form. If you are 13 or older, you can complete it yourselft. If you're 12 or younger, have your parent or guardian complete it with you. You're welcome to fill out the form up to four times for four different choices of Destination. If you are selected for more than one, you may choose your favorite or attend them all. Before you jump into the online form, prepare yourself by finding three unrelated references and complete the application worksheet. The online application must be completed all at one time. You won't be able to go back to the application or make changes later.
- Earn money for your Destination by participating in Fall Product and Cookie Financial Literacy programs, and apply for several different travel scholarships.
Email with any travel questions.
Have Girl Scout Gift Cards to use?
If you'd like to use them to pay for part of your GSUSA Destination, just complete the form below and we'll process your payment for you. Girl Scout Gift Card Redemption Form >