Do you want to meet new people, develop new interests, participate in community service, acquire valuable job experience, and serve as a role model for girls in a volunteer setting that lets YOU choose your level of involvement?
Consider joining Campus Girl Scouts, an ideal way to learn and grow outside of the classroom (no previous Girl Scouting experience required). GSMW is supporting Campus Girl Scout clubs at colleges around the region.
What Do Campus Girl Scouts Do?
Campus Girl Scouts do just about anything — as long as it upholds the Girl Scout Promise and Law. They provide an impressive array of services at school, in their community, in their local Girl Scout council, and with girls. Check out more information from GSUSA about Campus Girl Scouts.
How Much Time Is Involved?
Devote as much time as you want. YOU decide on a level of involvement that works for you. Campus Girl Scouts have many other commitments and their level of involvement may vary from semester to semester and from student to student. Some students may have the time to be troop/group leaders, while others may be able to make valuable short-term commitments, such as helping to plan ceremonies for Girl Scout Gold Award recipients or running a Daisy Pixie Party.
What is your next step?
Fill out the form below to get more information on what is happening on your campus.