When did you start with Girl Scouts?
I started Girl Scouts in 1999 in Casper, Wyoming, as a Daisy, and my troop consisted of me and another girl. The troop lasted one year, but years later I went to school with that same girl again and we became best friends.
What is a favorite Girl Scout memory?
My favorite memory is of camp. I remember showing up at camp Sacajawea excited for the hike to camp. I was excited to learn the crazy names of my camp counselors, and the one that stands out is - Monkey. She made camp better; leading us in songs and dancing around. She made the shy kid that I was, not feel out of place. I loved meeting in the giant rest area, near the flag pole, and exchanging swaps with other campers. I enjoyed the skits the camp counselors put on during the bon-fire, finding the tree houses in the woods and having a picnic there with my troop, riding horses around the camp, learning to trust an animal and seeing the new Girl Scouts show up their first year and help them figure things out.
What was your favorite Girl Scout achievement?
It was graduating high school as a Girl Scout. There were many years that I didn’t have a troop, but I still wanted to be a part of the community. Even after graduation I still want to be a part of this community; I am happy I stayed with it through the years.