On October 19, 2024, Girl Scouts of the USA and the National Board held the first-ever special session of our National Council, where girl and adult delegates, representing councils across the country, discussed and voted on proposals regarding our national membership dues.
The National Council approved national membership dues of $65 for girls phased in with $45 for Membership Year 2026 and $65 for Membership Year 2027 and $30 for adults. There is no change to the national membership dues for the current membership year.
Current members can expect to see this increase begin in spring of 2025 when current members renew for the 2026 Member Year. We also recognize that in order to stand effectively for girls, we must ensure there are no financial barriers standing in the way of them choosing to join and stay in Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts of Montana and Wyoming remains dedicated to providing financial assistance to those in need.